If you operate in the world of Social Media Marketing then Social Signals are extremely important, whether they directly or indirectly affect SEO, you should make a point to study Social Signals and learn how to generate them.
When web users Like, Share, +1, Pin or show interest in another form of content online by commenting, this acts as a Social Signal for Search Engines. Google , being the main protagonist, is clever in the way it works, and in a lot of cases will use Social Signals as a way of determining how relevant something is, and what people would prefer to see. Social Signals give web users something they can believe in and trust, which is, after all, what we all look for on the internet. Reliable, trustworthy content which benefits us in the best way possible. By strengthening your social presence you can gain Brand Loyalty, and this is a massive positive for those of you who market business on Social Media.
Marketing Experts across the globe are continually improving the way they do things and changing their marketing strategies to suit the new online age of SEO and Social Media.
It’s plain for all to see that Social Media is an integral part of society in the modern era, and whether you like it or not, it’s here to stay. Social Media also plays a vital role in SEO, which, despite what people might think, is more than just high rankings on Google and other search engines alike. Only by being disciplined and studying all aspects of SEO can you move towards gaining new customers regularly online. With Retweets, Likes, Shares and other Social Signals working in your favour, your rankings are likely to be affected through Google, especially when these Social Signals point towards particular LINK from your web page.
Social Signals are recognised as an effective means of increasing online visibility through Search Engines, whether that be directly or indirectly. Search Engines are now built in such a way that they can recognise Retweets, Likes and Shares, and not only recognise them, use them as an indication that people are recommending the page in question. Search Engines, such as Google, will give more prestigious rankings to a page which has numerous Social Signals pointing towards it. This obviously has a direct impact on your SEO efforts as you seek to gain higher rankings online.
Indirect forms of Social Signals include links which are put out to raise awareness, and positive reviews which have been gained through engaging with your online community. By linking to your content on Social Media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest, Search Engines can gain a better understanding as to what pages should rank higher for which key phrases.
It’s understood that the best indirect impact of Social Media on ranking and SEO is the ability to generate new inbound links by improving Brand Awareness and overall online visibility. Building links through engaging, powerful content on Social Media is an effective marketing strategy, and one which should not be underestimated. People everywhere look for quality content and in turn will be quick to share quality content. If you have this working in your favour, you should make a point to share this content on Social Media to increase Social Signals.
Social Media sites have quickly become a popular way of content marketing and developing links online through natural means. Links pointing towards your content can be built through interaction and community engagement, as well as the quality content you have to offer. Social Media Optimisation tools and other monitoring tools can be used to increase Social Signs which affect search engine rankings in a positive way.
In conclusion, Social Signals are an excellent way to boost online rankings, which in turn, will have a positive effect on any SEO strategy that you have in place!